Daily Archives: September 1, 2013

BBAA (Book Buying Addictions Anonymous)

Hi. My name is Sarah and it has been 6 1/2 hours since I last purchased a book.

ImageAgh! I saw this one on sale today and had to buy it. I blame B. He asked me if I wanted to meander through the tall shelves of Chapters with his hand in mine and a Starbucks in the other. How could I say no?

I had to pick this one up after hearing people describe it as ‘the book to start your addiction with fantasy’ Again, how could I say no? Every time I find myself with a few extra dollars to my name I try to see what I can get to add to my ever-growing library. I can’t wait to have a house with floor to ceiling bookcases in one room.


I hope everyone had as good a weekend as I did.